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A Chronicle of Digital Marketing

Scott Amity • Feb 01, 2024

 Visions of 2024 - An Ode to C.S. Lewis

List of CS Lewis's book titles. Image is part of the blog post for Amity Digital Marketing LLC.

Dear friends,

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, I invite you to journey with me into the heart of what the future holds for the realm of digital marketing in the year 2024. With the landscape ever-shifting (like the sands of Narnia) we find ourselves peering into a world where magic and technology intertwine to create experiences hitherto undreamed of. Let us embark on this adventure with eyes wide open and minds ready to embrace the marvels that await.

Table of Contents:

  • The Enchantment of AI
  • The Royal Court of Video Content
  • Whispers to the Web: The Voice Search Chronicles
  • The Green Standard: Eco-Friendly Ventures
  • The Interactive Tapestry
  • The Mobile Kingdom: Always at Hand
  • An Invitation from Amity Digital Marketing

The Enchantment of AI

  • Predictive Spells: AI, like a wizard’s crystal ball, foresees the desires of customers, casting spells of prediction to enchant both marketer and consumer alike.
  • Data Alchemy: Turning vast oceans of data into golden insights, guiding us to make wiser decisions in our quests for connection.

The Royal Court of Video Content

  • Storytelling Minstrels: Videos become the bards of our age, weaving tales that captivate and charm the digital populace.
  • Simplicity in Creation: Armed with naught but the magic mirrors of our time (smartphones), we craft epics and legends to be shared across the ether.

Whispers to the Web: The Voice Search Chronicles

  • Conversing with the Ether: As more souls speak their queries into the void, businesses must learn the language of the air, ensuring their answers float easily to the surface.
  • The Vernacular of the People: Employing the common tongue in keywords, as one might speak to a neighbor over the garden fence.

The Green Standard: Eco-Friendly Ventures

  • The Noble Quest for Green: Brands that walk the path of environmental stewardship find favor in the market's eyes, their deeds of sustainability heralded far and wide.
  • Tales of Conservation: Share thine own saga of eco-heroism, whether it be in parchment recycled or in treasures restored.

The Interactive Tapestry

  • A Loom of Engagement: Through quizzes, polls, and digital jesters (games), we weave a tapestry that invites all to touch, engage, and be part of the story.
  • Learning from the Loom: Each interaction, a thread that offers insight into the hearts and minds of our audience.

The Mobile Kingdom: Always at Hand

  • The Scroll in Every Hand: With the kingdom's knowledge at our fingertips, ensure thy domain is a haven for those who journey through the mobile landscape.
  • The Test of the Thumb: If a traveler cannot navigate your realm with but a thumb, you may find your kingdom forgotten.

An Invitation from Amity Digital Marketing

  • Embark on a Quest: Venture forth to Amity Digital Marketing, where we pledge to guide you through the enchanted forests of the digital domain.
  • Join the Fellowship: Together, we shall chart a course to prosperity, wielding the tools and magics of our time to create a future most bright.


As we draw the curtains on our glimpse into 2024, let us go forth with the courage of Aslan in our hearts and the wisdom of the ages in our minds. For in the world of digital marketing, as in all great tales, it is the bold, the innovative, and the truly compassionate who leave a mark upon the scrolls of history.

May our paths be ever green, our endeavors bold,

and our spirits unyielding as we journey together into the dawn of a new era.

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